We provide a copy of the slide show (in the form of a PDF) setting out the principles of British nationality law, as set out in Philip Gamble’s famous international seminars.

All you have to do to get this useful document is complete a free nationality assessment.

After you complete your online assessment, you are able to order your free personalised visa and nationality report as well as your free British nationality law summary. These are both available from your results page, the final page of the online nationality assessment.

Personalised visa and nationality report

We provide a summary of:

  • Nationality solutions for the United Kingdom
  • Visa solutions for the United Kingdom
  • How and why you qualify for the above

Solutions for all your family members

British nationality law summary

We provide a summary of the complex principles of British nationality law. This is a copy of the PowerPoint slide show presented by Philip Gamble at his famous international seminars in East and Southern Africa. It sets out the various ways in which British nationality can be claimed.

British Nationality Assessment

Discover if you qualify for British nationality through your heritage. Our online assessment uses your personal circumstances, and those of your parents and grandparents, to let you know your chances of attaining a British passport.

Start your assessment