Check to see if you have a claim to British nationality

How to ask Philip Gamble what he thinks your chances are of having a claim to British nationality

You will get a confirmation email that you have correctly ordered your Status Trace.

Philip Gamble will look at your family tree and give his opinion on your likelihood of having a valid claim to British nationality. His answer will be provided by email, and will be in the form of a one-word answer, accompanied by some personal comments about your situation.

How we rate your chances of claiming British nationality

Definite >99%You have a standard claim.
Likely 90%-99%You have a non-standard claim.
UnclearYour situation is complex, and an assessment cannot be made without us completing a Citizenship Report.
UnlikelyA claim is unlikely, though a Citizenship Report may establish a non-standard claim

Once you have received your response, you can decide what to do next. Whatever you need to do our team of British nationality consultants will be able to assist you.

British Nationality Assessment

Discover if you qualify for British nationality through your heritage. Our online assessment uses your personal circumstances, and those of your parents and grandparents, to let you know your chances of attaining a British passport.

Start your assessment