withdraw your SA retiremnet annuities infographic

Protect yourself from Rand volatility

Many South African expats are still unaware that, since 2008, they have been able to withdraw their RAs. As a result they have lost the opportunity to protect these assets against Rand depreciation.

Although we cannot turn the clock back, our aim is to increase awareness that this opportunity still exists and, in light of the continuing depreciation of the Rand is still compelling.

Withdraw your RA as soon as you can

Below is a graphic comparing the difference between two people financial emigration helped to withdraw their RAs. The graphic illustrates the benefits of withdrawing your RAs as soon as you can.

Meet Louise and Larry:

Louise and Larry comparison infographic

Despite the fact that South African investments performed better in percentage terms than their UK counterparts over the same period, Louise who emigrated in 2010 ends up in a significantly better position than Larry.

A holistic financial plan

Our wealth team has been helping expat South Africans get the most out of their currency transfers and retirement savings for over two decades now. We also have a dedicated forex team with a strong track record in offering the best possible rates when you’re ready to transfer your Rands to Sterling.

With our experience and expertise we can ensure that you can efficiently and cost effectively withdraw and transfer your SA retirement annuity. 

Our established team of wealth managers are able to assist in the best onward investment of these funds. Building a sound financial plan with a trusted adviser will give you greater financial freedom, and allow you to maximise your future quality of life.

If you’re already living abroad, or thinking of emigrating – call us on +27 (0) 21 657 2153 for a chat or send us an email and we’ll get back to you.