Facts about migration
- Early human migrations are thought to have begun when Homo Erectus first migrated out of Africa to Eurasia around 1.8 million years ago.
- One of the greatest waves of immigrants to the USA was during the 1820s – 1890s, when more than 5 million immigrants arrived in America from Ireland and Germany.
- Immigration to Australia is estimated to have begun around 50 000 years ago when the ancestors of Australian Aborigines arrived from the islands of the Malay Archipelago and New Guinea.
- According to the Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, 3% of the world population (more than 215 million people) live in a country other than the one they were born in.
- The largest migration corridor in the world is Mexico – USA, with almost 12 million official, recorded migrations from Mexico to the US in 2010 alone.
- It’s no coincidence then, that the USA also records the highest outward flow of remittance (foreign workers sending money back to their home countries). In 2009 alone, an estimated $48 billion was sent out of the country.
- In 2010, the country that received the most money via remittance was India, followed by China, Mexico and France.
- How much money is moving around the world? In 2010, recorded global remittances amounted to more than $440 billion!
- Most people mistakenly believe that the best way to send money home is through a bank. The truth is that using an agency is nearly always much cheaper, quicker, and more convenient.
- The second largest migration corridor in 2010 was between the Ukraine and Russia, followed by Bangladesh and India. In both these instances though, a large number of natives inadvertently became “migrants” when their borders and boundaries were changed.
- Between June 2010 and June 2011, 543 000 people came into the UK, while an estimated 343 000 left.
- In 2005, a UKBA study estimated a population of between 310,000 and 570,000 illegal immigrants living in the UK.
- Indians make up the largest percentage of immigrants coming into the UK (11.9%), followed by migrants from Pakistan, Poland, Australia and China.
- Most people emigrating from the UK go to Australia, followed by the USA.
- In 2009, Zimbabweans made the most asylum applications; in 2010 and 2011 the most asylum applications were made by Iranians.
- In 2010, refugees and asylum-seekers made up 8% (16.3 million) of international migrants.
- Relative to world population size, more people were migrating around the end of the 19th Century than they are now.
- In 2006 the USA took in more legal immigrants as permanent residents than all the other countries in the world combined.
- The name “green card” comes from a post-WWII form, the I-151, which was printed on green paper. The first card was issued in the ’50s, and it had green stripes on one side.
- Ironically, if a Mexican wants a visa to immigrate to the United States, he or she must obtain it in Ciudad Juarez, undoubtedly one of the most violent, dangerous cities in the world.